
We encourage you to schedule an appointment via e-mail. If you would like to schedule an appointment with your Concierge Doctor to find out how Concierge Medicine can provide you with the most compassionate, comprehensive and thorough medical care possible. We look forward to meeting you and providing you with the medical care you deserve.
We want to thank you for visiting our website! If you’re a current patient, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to fulfill your medical needs. If you’re a new visitor, we look forward to meeting you and exploring the options available for creating a medical experience designed to your specific needs and schedule.


Q: Is the service covered by my insurance plan?
This can be agreed depending on individual circumstances. Membership, single payments, or insurance cover are all possible options.
Q: When can I join?
Anytime. Services are available 24/7 to visitors, temporary residents and permanent residents in Southport, Formby, and Birkdale.
Q: Is there a penalty for terminating my membership?
Absolutely no. Membership can be stopped at anytime.